The new class of AGU Fellows has been selected and will be recognized at the upcoming Fall Meeting in San Francisco, Calif. The 2015 class of AGU Union Fellows will be recognized during the Honors Tribute at the AGU Fall Meeting. The newly elected class will be presented by President-elect Eric Davidson during the Honors Ceremony on Wednesday, 16 December 2015. A brief statement of the achievements for which each of the 60 Fellows has been elected is provided below.

Geoff Abers

For outstanding contributions to our understanding of the subduction process.

Charles J. Ammon

For innovative studies of crustal structure with receiver functions, seminal studies of large earthquakes, and unselfish dissemination of software for seismic analysis.

Gregory P. Asner

For advancing ecology to a continental scale and key contributions in biogeochemistry, biodiversity, and carbon accounting.

Lawrence E. Band

For pioneering digital topographic analysis at multiple scales and leading the interfacing of hydrology and ecology.

Paul Bates

For innovation in two-dimensional hydraulic modelling and its practical applications.

Thorsten Becker

For outstanding contributions to geodynamics at global and regional scales using innovative and interdisciplinary approaches.

Jim Best

For pioneering the investigation of fluid flow and bedforms and field quantification of large rivers, their morphology, and flow structure.

Michael Bevis

For the seminal work in applying geodesy to solving geodynamic problems and for pioneering work that helped establish the new field of GPS meteorology.

Amitava Bhattacharjee

For seminal contributions to our understanding of reconnection processes and turbulence in the solar corona, interplanetary medium, and planetary magnetospheres.

Tami Bond

For outstanding contributions in analyzing black carbon emissions, properties, and distribution and their impacts on climate.

Christopher Bretherton

For fundamental contributions to the understanding of cloud processes and their role in the climate system.

Suzanne Marie Carbotte

For seminal contributions to understanding the global mid-ocean ridge system and the formation and evolution of the oceanic crust.

Robert Carlson

For pioneering work in spectroscopy and fundamental contributions toward understanding the compositions and processes of planetary atmospheres and surfaces.

Jeffrey P. Chanton

For contributions in understanding linkages between methane cycling, emissions, and oxidation.

Michael Church

For ground-breaking insights and sustained contributions to fluvial geomorphology and providing a strong foundation for the intelligent management of rivers and watersheds.

Olaf A. Cirpka

For major breakthroughs in the study of mixing-controlled reactive transport and the development of methods for subsurface characterization.

Allan J. Clarke

For pioneering highly influential theoretical and practical contributions in coastal oceanography and tides, equatorial ocean dynamics, and climate.

Todd E. Dawson

For pioneering contributions in ecohydrology and for advancing our understanding of plant, soil, and atmosphere interactions in the hydrologic cycle.

Imke de Pater

For far-seeing discoveries and cutting-edge visions of the dynamic outer solar system made from Earth at nearly every wavelength of light.

Mark J. Dekkers

For fundamental work on the understanding of experimental rock magnetism, paleointensity, and interpretation of magnetic properties in terms of geological processes.

Georgia (Gia) Destouni

For groundbreaking contributions to transport phenomena in the hydrological cycle at multiple scales.

John W. Farrington

For fundamental work on the biogeochemistry of natural organic chemicals and on the long-term fate of petroleum inputs in the marine environment.

Peter Fox

For fundamental contributions and impact in science knowledge representation and establishing the Earth and space science informatics discipline.

George Gehrels

For transformative development and application of high-bandwidth uranium-lead zircon geochronology to Earth science.

Sarah T. Gille

For exceptional contributions to advancing the understanding of the dynamics of the Southern Ocean and its role in the climate system.

Alex Guenther

For leadership in atmospheric and terrestrial ecosystem biogeochemistry and fundamental contributions on biogenic volatile organic compound emissions, biosphere-atmospheric interactions, and their roles in atmospheric photochemistry.

Jennifer W. Harden

For fundamental contributions to quantitative understanding of soils in global change and carbon cycling.

Mike Jackson

For fundamental discoveries in mineral and rock magnetism and pioneering applications to paleomagnetic and paleoenvironmental research.

Jose Jimenez 1.CUphoto
José-Luis Jiménez

For shifting the paradigm of formation and chemical evolution of atmospheric organic aerosol.

Ian Joughin

For developing and applying new techniques to document, explain, and project changes of the great ice sheets.

Praveen Kumar

For pioneering the field of “hydrocomplexity” to understand the emergent behaviors in multiscale water, climate, and vegetation interactions.

Glen Michael MacDonald

For seminal discoveries on patterns, causes, and impacts of long-term environmental change, especially in North America and the Arctic.

Hugh O’Neill

For measurements of the thermodynamic properties of oxides and silicates and their application to understanding the origin and evolution of the Earth.

Bette L. Otto-Bliesner

For fundamental contributions and expertise in using computer-based models of Earth’s climate system to investigate past climate change and climate variability across a wide range of time scales.

Jonathan Taylor Overpeck

For increasing our understanding of paleoclimate through multiproxy approaches and integrating of paleoclimatic perspectives in global change assessment.

Hans W. Paerl

For work on the causes and consequences of key biogeochemical and ecological changes impacting estuarine and coastal ecosystems.

William K. Peterson

For fundamental contributions to understanding the ionization and escape of planetary atmospheres and their involvement in space plasma dynamics.

Robert Pinkel

For outstanding ocean observations and scientific interpretations based on innovative sensors and analyses.

Fred F. Pollitz

For original contributions to understanding the processes responsible for transient deformation following large earthquakes.

Jay Quade

For trailblazing field studies and novel use of stable, radiogenic, and cosmogenic isotopes to age, reconstruct, and understand surficial processes across six continents.

William Randel

For outstanding contributions in understanding the physical mechanisms behind observed variability and change in stratospheric composition and dynamics.

Philip John Rasch

For significant contributions to climate modeling and advancing the understanding of impacts of climate change on the Earth’s system.

Lorraine A. Remer

For pioneering a global view of aerosols in our atmosphere and sustained leadership in quantifying aerosol interactions with clouds, climate, and our ecosystem.

Michael Roderick

For seminal contributions to the science of evaporation and transpiration, including interpretation of changes in evapotranspiration under global environmental change.

Daniel Rosenfeld

For seminal advances in discovering and understanding aerosol-cloud-precipitation-climate interactions.

Cynthia Rosenzweig

For fundamental advances in exploring and assessing climate change impacts on the natural and urban environments.

Roger M. Samelson

For insightful use of mathematical methods to elucidate the physics of observed ocean variability and air-sea interaction.

Martha Kane Savage

For groundbreaking work using seismic anisotropy to determine tectonic deformation in the crust and mantle and active deformation of volcanoes tied to their eruptive cycles.

Barbara Sherwood Lollar

For outstanding contributions to understanding the subsurface carbon systems and energy sources required for sustaining life in extreme environments.

Laurence C. Smith

For transformative research in Arctic hydrology, cryosphere processes, climate change, and its societal impacts.

Michael J. Thompson

For seminal advances in understanding the structure and dynamics of the solar interior through application of helioseismology.

Axel Timmermann

For major contributions to the understanding of the El Niño phenomenon, the Atlantic Ocean Circulation, abrupt climate change, and ice ages.

Larry D. Travis

For pioneering excellence in satellite observations of planetary atmospheres and fundamental advances in radiative transfer and multiple-scattering theory.

Peter A. Troch

For groundbreaking contributions to understanding hillslope to landscape-scale hydrological processes.

Scott W. Tyler

For fundamental advancements of desert, river, lake, and glacial processes through novel measurement, theory, and international collaboration.

Jean-Pierre Vilotte

For significant work in introducing quantitative numerical methods from continental collision to seismic wave propagation and rupture dynamics using consistent mechanical and finite-element methods.

Martin Visbeck

For outstanding contributions to ocean circulation and mixing and the role of the oceans in climate.

Yanbin Wang

For pioneering work on synchrotron high-pressure mineral physics.

Guoxiong Wu

For seminal contributions to the understanding of subtropical and monsoon dynamics and the impacts of the Tibetan Plateau on circulation and climate change.

Ping Yang

For significant work on light scattering properties of atmospheric particles, radiative transfer, terrestrial thermal emission, and remote sensing of cloud properties.

Citation: AGU (2015), Celebrating the 2015 Class of Fellows, Eos, 96, doi:10.1029/2015EO036463. Published on 5 October 2015.

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