Image of the AGU Fellows medal.
Credit: AGU

The American Geophysical Union College of Fellows (COF), launched in July 2017, has announced details of programs it will undertake over the next 2 years. The College of Fellows Steering Team and associated subcommittees have been planning details in four areas, said Steering Team chair Rana Fine. The Steering Team is very pleased to announce that program plans are rapidly taking shape in these areas.

  • An annual Fellows-sponsored town hall meeting focused on topics of interest to AGU scientists, with its inaugural session, “Publish or Perish: Publishing for Promotion,” on Thursday, 14 December, at the 2017 Fall Meeting in New Orleans
  • Participation in AGU Centennial activities, including written and oral histories of significant Earth and space science events, to begin this year with Fellows’ engagement in the Centennial Story Corps project
  • A networked mentorship program for graduate students and early-career scientists, to launch with six mentorship groups in March 2018
  • An annual Fall Meeting student luncheon for informal mentorship with Macelwane medalists, to commence in 2018
  • [pullquote float=”right”]This year’s inaugural town hall meeting, aimed at early-career scientists and others, will provide insights on publishing from an invited panel of scientists and editors and will be followed by a social hour.[/pullquote]A distinguished traveling lecture series to bring inspiring scientist speakers to less well served communities internationally and in the United States, starting in December 2018

The 14 December town hall session offers the first opportunity for members of the Earth and space science community to engage with a College of Fellows planned event, said Fine. This year’s session, aimed at early-career scientists and others, will provide insights on publishing from an invited panel of scientists and editors. This town hall meeting will also feature a postsession social hour.

The mission of the AGU College of Fellows is to foster excellence, integrity, and interdisciplinary collaboration in the Earth and space sciences; provide expert and strategic advice to the Union on global scientific issues; and support the professional development and engagement of scientists at all career stages and from all backgrounds. COF programs are selected to align with and support this mission.

Although every AGU Fellow is automatically a member of the College of Fellows, participation in the college’s activities is voluntary. There are more than 1,400 living AGU Fellows.

For Further Information

To find out more about additional volunteer opportunities available to Fellows, please contact AGU staff partners Billy Williams and Artesha Moore or Chairwoman Fine. Attendees of the 2017 Fall Meeting will find additional COF information at the AGU booth; further program details will be announced during the coming year.

—Billy M. Williams (email:, Vice President, Ethics, Diversity, and Inclusion, AGU


Williams, B. M. (2017), AGU College of Fellows announces program plans, Eos, 98, Published on 01 December 2017.

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